An interesting start…

It snowed all day Wednesday. Felt like a nudge from Mother Nature that was indeed time to move along to somewhere warm and sunny. We had an easy start to our trip although we did manage to be the last ones on the plane. We had front row seats and pleny of room as the flight was only about half …

It’s not all about being pretty Pearl

We’d packed some instant coffee and a couple of small almond milks so we were able to have our morning coffee before heading in to Saint Francois to get supplies. Had to go way, way down past the marina to find parking but we walked back through the marina and found a place with quiche slices so that took care …

A typical Guadeloupe day

We had a light breakfast on the porch and then Tom finished assembling Pearl and then we put our suits on and headed for the beach! Raisins St Clair is fairly large beach in Saint Francois and we planned to relax there for a bit and then have lunch at the restaurant on the beach. Found a great little shady …

Busy day, Guadeloupe style

We were on the road with Pearl by 9 AM, heading off on a route that I had pulled from ridewithgps. The navigation helps quite a bit but there are very few road signs here so you’re never quite sure if you have it right. The cycling clubs were out in full force. They are impressive looking groups and seem …

Sometimes no plan is a good plan

We started our ride this morning with GPS running for a route that wasn’t what we wanted but we hoped would kind of put us in the right direction. We had been thinking nice roads heading north to Le Moule would be fun but soon found ourselves at the N5 again. It’s a fast 2 lane road and while we …

Anse A l’eau oue es-tu?

That vague plan yesterday worked out very well so we headed off this morning with another vague plan to find Anse l’eau. No idea of what exactly is there aside from a beach, but big enough on the map that we would expect to see road signs. We traveled some of the same back roads as yesterday and mostly stayed …

Nudity, day drinking, and good food – a perfect day!

On the road at 8 this morning; we are gradually waking up earlier and earlier. We just took a ride into Saint Francois and then out to Point de Chateaux; 13 miles total. The Pointe is much quieter in the morning. We sat for a while and watched the waves crashing in We were back at the bungalow by 10 …

Savoring the final day

This morning we rode straight to Pointe de Chateaux so that we could enjoy it with no crowds. Sat on the rocks and watched the waves; a great way to start the day. We then just looped down to Saint Francois and back for the exercise. We have sore bike butts! Then it was off to Anse de Tarare at …