Walnut Creek NM and Pearl works up a sweat

Brrr again Sedona and this morning we drove North about an hour to the Walnut Creek national monument outside of Flagstaff, an ancient cliff dwelling site. Not kidding about the cold!

Tom did the steep walk down to the cliff dwellings and I soaked up some Arizona sunshine with the view. My fear of heights remains firmly entrenched!

Can’t complain about hanging out with this view!

Got back to Sedona around 2 and the temperature was close to 60 so we hopped on Pearl and zipped down to the Red Rock Ranger station. Met a nice couple from Minnesota that rides a tandem and was pretty wowed that we would bring a tandem into these hills. We explained we also brought a minivan 🙂 That 5 easy miles down was a 5 mile climb on the way back and it sure seemed a lot longer! We did fine and as always, are both feeling great that we got a ride in. 

Tomorrow it’s off to that real big canyon. We’ll stay overnight there and hit a couple more NMs on the way back. Would love to bring Pearl for Hermit road but apparently the roads are snow and ice and it’s pretty darn cold up there!