Busy day, Guadeloupe style

We were on the road with Pearl by 9 AM, heading off on a route that I had pulled from ridewithgps. The navigation helps quite a bit but there are very few road signs here so you’re never quite sure if you have it right. The cycling clubs were out in full force. They are impressive looking groups and seem quite  friendly  as they blow by us. The drivers in Guadaloupe  are amazing. They hang back patiently and give you a wide berth as they pass. They love their cyclists here! The ride took us in a loop North and West of Saint Francois; 14 miles total with about 500 ft of climbing. Some nice back roads and a good start at getting oriented on the roads leading North.

We walked down the street to have lunch a Chez Nous. They are only open for lunch and we surprised to find it a bit fancier than we had assumed. Delicious lunch be we somehow ended up with a full bottle of wine (we really need to work on that French) so with that and the very leisurely pace of lunch service we were there for a couple of delightful hours.

We were very fortunate on the last trip to be in Sainte Rose for their carnival day and to be staying just a few doors down from the main parade route. What a treat and there are great pictures in the original Guadeloupe trip blog. Tom saw that Le Moule’s carnival was on Sunday so we headed up there around 3 and watched the parade for about an hour. I have no clue what’s up with the bagpipers.

Back at the bungalow for our usual evening routine; games, books,simple dinner, wine and early to bed.