33 miles and 2300 feet of climbing. Some of those climbs were mean and nasty too!
We had a mediocre beef on weck at the hotel restaurant last night and were up early to pack and get our gear loaded onto the trailer.
Really gorgeous day with sunny skies, mid 80s and reasonable humidity. The climbing started early so the breaks to get a scenery shot started early as well.
The whole ride was beautiful views and farmland and open fields. We arrived at the town of Panama around 16 miles and were very happy to spend some time in the Panama Diner
Right after lunch with full bellies and cold legs came the nastiest little climb of the day up to Panama rocks. I know we both had doubts at times but we made it!
I bailed very early on Panama rocks and Tom went along with it although I’m sure he was sad to miss the rock scrambling. Here is the office area at Panama Rocks. I think that they have been in business for about 150 years. Listening to the woman lecturing the family getting their tickets while we were waiting in line I think they have 150 years worth of rules
For those so inclined you could also take axe throwing lessons for an additional fee.
Back on the road we had a few more lung buster climbs. This stand of evergreens offered a good excuse for a break. Big, big Christmas trees all huddled up together
Here are two shots showing some of the climbs along the way:
There was an ice cream stop because hey, how do you pass that up on a hot day with lots of hills!
The Peek and Peak Resort seems like it will be lots of fun and I have declared tomorrow to be a rest day. Woo Hoo!
There was some talk about using the spa services, but we voted for pool and mini-golf instead, although the last item on the spa menu made it a difficult choice.