Day 5, 14.2 miles

Day 4 continued..

Great dinner last night with Jim and Paula the couple from Tewksbury and Rich and Lindy the tour leaders. We ate at a restaurant about 1/2 mile from the hotel that had walleye, a fish from Lake Chautauqua.

Took the hotel shuttle over and walked back along the lake. On the way we saw the poor Bemus Point Ferry which has been beached for an overhaul and the Chatuaqua Belle which looks like maybe it should be beached for an overhaul.

How we also managed to have yet another ice cream on the walk back I do not know, but we did!

And now on to Day 5…

Weather report not good again but we decided to try and squeeze in a short ride before the rain hits. Tom cobbled together a plan from bits and pieces of a cue sheet we have and some google bike maps research. Turned out to be a lovely ride on quiet country roads with farms and not much traffic. Many buggies like this one around

Saw them dredging Lake Chatauqua on the way back, probably for an invasive species that is causing some problems. Hope they don’t dredge up that kayak!

After showering and changing we headed out to lunch, hoping to get to the restaurant with the beef on weck sign out front. Between our sore legs and the ominous looking clouds we decided to quit walking at Webb and had lunch there on the deck overlooking the lake. On the way back we opted for a game of mini golf rather than a stop in their candy and ice cream shop. (Note to some blog readers: the sign in front of the candy shop said they featured fudge and sponge candy) .

Unfortunately the rain started on the 13th hole. We waited it out for 5 minutes under the awning of the “pro shop” and tried the 14th hole with an umbrella. At that point the rain really started coming down so we ended the match early. We have agreed to call it a tied game (but both participants have arguments for why they actually won).

The storm finally let up and we headed back to the hotel in time for an impromptu happy hour in Rich and Linda’s room.

Planning to have dinner in the hotel and packing up for our travel day tomorrow.